No regrets! Leave those problems on the road!



I have a really big problem accepting I can’t go back and change things. What if I would have just stopped talking when that fight started? What if I hadn’t brought it up? Or even more importantly: What if I just trained more? What if I just ran faster? Well, newsflash! You can’t change things. I know that. It sucks. I regret, then I get mad at myself for wanting to change it, so to solve it all, I got RUN.

This last Saturday, I ran a race called “The Hot Chocolate Run” and it was amazing. I woke up excited and ready to go. When I got to the race, I kinda wanted to cry. It was SO cold! It was 18 degrees when we showed up at the race and I ran outside and grabbed my gear and ran back to the car. My dad and I stayed in the car for a while, and went to the starting line with about 10 minutes to go. At this point, it was 20 degrees. WOOHOOO! 🙂 I was wrapped up in a blanket at the starting line, and I threw it at my dad about 30 seconds before the race started. I recognized a few people, but before a race most people leave me alone since I look REALLY grumpy since I am planning out my race strategy. I was planning on how to get around the wave of people blanketing me. I did it. As soon as the gun went off, I took off like a race horse ;D The one thought going through my head was “Oh crap. I started way too fast. I’m gonna die later.” But I didn’t!! I have no idea how.. but against everything that has ever happened to me before, I felt great the entire race. I warmed up after running for a few minutes, and it was beautiful along the green belt. I love running so much because unlike other sports, we are all friends. It doesn’t matter if you lose. It is so hard to explain the feeling. Runners are so accepting. I love every one of my running friends in my running family. It is truly like having a second family there. Anyways, back to the race, (ADD kicking in here!) I ended with a time of 23:15. In October during my knee injury, I had a time of 33 minutes. I knocked 10 minutes off of my time in 2 months. How? Motivation. I ran fast. I wanted to outrun my problems, so I did. I finally felt free. I didn’t feel sad during this race, since with every step I took, the problems couldn’t hold on and were scattering all around me. I love running. 
