Ew to Plantar Faciitis!!

Not even sure if I spelled that right but whatevs.

I miss being little when you could run around in whatever shoes you wanted and wouldn’t have to worry about weird foot and knee problems. Wish I was still little!

I have a snow day today. I love snow days. They are seriously the coolest things ever. Okay, bacon, camo, and brownies are better, but still you get my point.

I’m trying to think of exciting things to tell you but since I haven’t been running lately, I don’t have anything awesome, so if I make a whole bunch of random paragraphs it will look like I typed more than I actually did, right??

My cousin Jake went to the air force on the second, and I have been sending him letters. I hope he is doing awesome in boot camp.. I know he is, I just miss him to death! We went to breakfast a couple of days before he left and I am excited for when he comes back so we can go there again. Hopefully it will be by next year.. he is going to Tech school when he is done. I am so proud of him!

For my birthday I am asking for a bike. Specialized ;D Gonna find something that has low knee impact, so I thought HEY! Biking would be cool! Any ideas on cool bikes? Let me know on Facebook or here!

I will think of something cool to tell you guys. Give me a few minutes to let my brain think 😉 Snow days=brain dead days.

Track? Yep!

Try new things they said. It will be fun they said.

Oh yeah.. “they” were right. Today after school I drove over to Mountain View and decided meh, what the heck. Trying out a run with the girl’s team at Mountain View won’t hurt me…. right? Well it was freaking amazing. I showed up and sat in my car for a little while while weird dudes ran around my car. High School.. psh.  Then I went and met my friend Allison who took me to the locker room. After everyone changed, we all headed out to start our 35 minute run. Easy pace. I was worried these girls were gonna run me into the dust. Instead, they were all going at a comfortable pace and it was freaking fun. Not gonna lie here.

I never wanted to join track or cross country because I loved running alone. It was awesome running with a team, though. I had so much fun. I just can’t stop saying it! Running with a team is so much fun! I am really excited for tomorrow and Saturday I am going to run with them again.  I’m actually doing things for once!! Yay Christena!!

No regrets! Leave those problems on the road!



I have a really big problem accepting I can’t go back and change things. What if I would have just stopped talking when that fight started? What if I hadn’t brought it up? Or even more importantly: What if I just trained more? What if I just ran faster? Well, newsflash! You can’t change things. I know that. It sucks. I regret, then I get mad at myself for wanting to change it, so to solve it all, I got RUN.

This last Saturday, I ran a race called “The Hot Chocolate Run” and it was amazing. I woke up excited and ready to go. When I got to the race, I kinda wanted to cry. It was SO cold! It was 18 degrees when we showed up at the race and I ran outside and grabbed my gear and ran back to the car. My dad and I stayed in the car for a while, and went to the starting line with about 10 minutes to go. At this point, it was 20 degrees. WOOHOOO! 🙂 I was wrapped up in a blanket at the starting line, and I threw it at my dad about 30 seconds before the race started. I recognized a few people, but before a race most people leave me alone since I look REALLY grumpy since I am planning out my race strategy. I was planning on how to get around the wave of people blanketing me. I did it. As soon as the gun went off, I took off like a race horse ;D The one thought going through my head was “Oh crap. I started way too fast. I’m gonna die later.” But I didn’t!! I have no idea how.. but against everything that has ever happened to me before, I felt great the entire race. I warmed up after running for a few minutes, and it was beautiful along the green belt. I love running so much because unlike other sports, we are all friends. It doesn’t matter if you lose. It is so hard to explain the feeling. Runners are so accepting. I love every one of my running friends in my running family. It is truly like having a second family there. Anyways, back to the race, (ADD kicking in here!) I ended with a time of 23:15. In October during my knee injury, I had a time of 33 minutes. I knocked 10 minutes off of my time in 2 months. How? Motivation. I ran fast. I wanted to outrun my problems, so I did. I finally felt free. I didn’t feel sad during this race, since with every step I took, the problems couldn’t hold on and were scattering all around me. I love running. 


The things you do…

I wonder.. how many times have I thought “Oh I am going to do that!” And haven’t ever thought about it again? Yeah, it happens to all of us. We want to do something but lose hope or motivation within hours. I’m done with that. In the past 2 weeks, i’ve gone  from heartbreak to deciding i’m done being “that girl.” I’ve gone through way too much in my life to just live. I’m gonna do what I want.  Here is the start of this blog, since I deleted the posts before:

I visited friends I hadn’t seen in forever, got closer with all the friends I have now, and learned that maybe people aren’t as bad as I thought.  I am so lucky that I surrounded myself with amazing people who support me through everything I do. I moped for a couple days when my ex boyfriend broke up with me, and guess what? Since then, I haven’t complained once. Not once. My life isn’t as bad as I thought. I’m actually going to update this blog from now on, which I know I said last time, but this time, it’s my motivation. I wanna be able to put something on here everyday that I did to make my life better.  My friends have given me the confidence to keep going. They were my crutch when I was broken, and they taught me life doesn’t suck as bad as I thought it did. I was worried all the time. Now i’m not.

I drove a 6 speed manual. I know. Weird. I have always wanted to do it, though. It was so much fun.

I went snowboarding with one of my best friends, Madi. It was so much fun. I loved every second of falling on my face and almost breaking an ankle and spraining my list. Fell on my face every time I got off the ski lift. It was great. I had so much fun seeing her over this last break, and it made me feel a lot better. We watched movies and it was fun.

I went and spent time with my sister.  We barely ever get to see each other, and it was really fun.

I spun cookies in my car. Subie finally got to have some fun. I have accepted she is an automatic 😉 (haha)

Got a new PR on a race. Beast mode.

This is just the start.